Time & Stress Management

Accredited by The Leading Bodies

Available Dates


Course Overview

Stress, conflict and poor time management in the workplace drains resources – both energy and money. This affects not only organizations, but the individuals directly or indirectly involved. Effective management of time and stress not only safeguards your most precious assets – the people who make up your organization – but can also boost your bottom line! Mastering time and stress management techniques increases your work effectiveness and productivity and enables you to achieve the outcomes you desire both personally & professionally.

Participants on this interactive course will explore various time management skills and stress management techniques to get better control and have a more positive impact over their life at the professional and social levels.

Learning Objectives

After completing Time & Stress Management Training, you will be able to:

  • To enable delegates to clearly identify work-related and personal time-wasters, and ways to overcome them
  • To enable delegates to identify their Time Management style
  • To understand and identify their roles at work
  • To learn to become more proactive through setting SMART(ER) objectives, in line with key result areas
  • To introduce delegates to practical tools to use at work, and ensure they make time to focus on priority tasks
  • To learn to organize workspaces for maximum efficiency
  • To identify motivating factors that will lead to overcoming procrastination (putting things off)
  • To master the techniques of effective delegation
  • To learn assertiveness skills to overcome work overload
  • To set criteria to avoid stress
  • To learn about the ‘Stress Response’ and the underlying mechanisms that cause it
  • To identify personal and work-related stressors and their symptoms, so that personal action plans can be developed
  • To explore and create effective stress management techniques that will help you regain control over your personal, family, and work-life
Time & Stress Management
Course Information
2 Days
Delivery Method
Virtual Instructor Led Training
Learning Pathway/ Certification

Course pre-requisites

There are no pre-requisites for this course

What does it take to get certified?


Course Syllabus

  • What Is ‘Time Management’?
  • Personal Time-Wasters
  • Environmental Time-Wasters
  • Time Logs
  • Time Management Styles
  • Time and Your Energy Levels
  • Being Proactive – Proactive Vs Reactive Behavior
  • Identifying Key Result Areas – Goal Setting & Prioritizing
  • Urgent Vs Important Matrix
  • Setting Schedules and Plans
  • Organizing Your Workspace
  • Eliminating Procrastination
  • Assertiveness for Influence
  • Handling Stress
  • Dealing Positively and Assertively with Stress
  • Some Facts About Stress
  • Sources of Stress and Stress Statistics & the Stress Symptoms Checklist
  • Personality and Stress
  • Sources of Work Stressors
  • The Stress Response
  • Stress Management Techniques

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